domingo, junio 28, 2009

Les pego un review que te tira la posta sobre Revenge of the crapfest!

by Bob Rose


Surprise, surprise!!! When it comes to movies so loved by the masses and so hated by critics, like Michael Bay’s Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen, it really seems like it throws reviewers into a divisive whirlwind. Most critics decide to have fun ripping out its guts and putting the innards on display for the world to see, since their opinion on a film like this will not even bite a chewable chunk out of the box office receipts. Some critics simply get depressed that they even have to comment on the film. Others just give in to the crushing pressure of the sad truth: that the entire planet thinks this is “good.” There are even some, possibly, that actually enjoyed the movie without prefacing their delight with “for what it was…” So, to try something new, I am going to attempt a review from 4 different angles.

(***There are NO SPOILERS or plot descriptions either…but if you really, really want those things, then here you have it: Robots Fight, Shia LaBeouf and a hot chick run a lot.***)


I wholeheartedly enjoy some Michael Bay movies, I even love one or two as superb action escapism. Transformers 2, however, is barely a movie and is honestly beneath even Mr. Bay. What we have here is a serious, mind-numbing, failure to communicate. This film breaks the singular cardinal rule of all truly great escapist films, the one detail needed to rise it above just being a “series of events” to “generic fun”…a through line! We need some semblance of a cohesive understandable story arc for the characters, no matter how cliché or simple, to keep some emotional attachment to what is happening. Michael Bay’s opus might be the most confusing big-budget mess ever put to celluloid, couple that with the fact that all the robots look almost exactly the same and all the geography during action sequences are like metallic scramble eggs and there is NOTHING to hang on to.

Armageddon, Bad Boys 2, The Rock, these are art-films compared to Transformers 2, if not just because they have a somewhat competently written story. They might have bland plots, and Hollywood-ized characters, but there is meat to grab onto as you watch them, you actually care what’s going to happen next instead of just assuming that something is going to happen next because the credits haven’t rolled yet. Remember all the negative hoopla about Death Race when it was released? Well that film, much like the original film it was based on (and Mr. Bay’s early films) is pure action exploitation. I fully admit to loving Death Race. Was it a good film? No, not really. Did it have a comprehensible story line and action geography? YES!!!It was one hell of a good time, due in no small part to the fact that the audience could grab onto the simple plight of Jason Statham’s character to take them through the action. It was clear who was good, who was evil, and where it was all going. Escapist films don’t need to re-invent the thematic wheel; they just need to use it. I don’t expect Taxi Driver when I buy a ticket for Bad Boys 2, Commando, or Death Race, I just expect to know what is going on. I just defended a Paul W.S. Anderson film. Deal with it.

Every human character in Revenge of the Fallen literally talks like they are in a Micro Machines commercial. Rain Wilson’s cameo is the only human-speed dialogue delivered through out the run time. Wait, I take that back, Tyrese Gibson had the honor of delivering this earth shatteringly bland comic-relief-nugget during a pause in the narrative:

“I don’t like that guy…he’s an asshole.” – Tyrese Gibson, Actor, Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen

That quote is pretty much the amount of effort that went into all writing on this film; it feels like it was written off the cuff as the actors stood in front of the cameras looking at tennis balls. It does sound like a derivative criticism to say there is no acting in a movie like this…but there was almost 0% thespian craft! That isn’t a slight against the cast, it’s the fact that they must have been directed to deliver all dialogue as if the characters were on speed pills. The scene where Shia arrives in his college dorm is edited and delivered so fast that it’s hard to believe it’s not a satire. It needs to be seen to be believed, but it’s still not worth the ticket price.

John Turturro, once again lowering himself, is at least somewhat comprehensible as the wacky former government employee. That still doesn’t help the fact that one of our most gifted and underrated actors alive today will be remembered by a generation of kids as “that funny guy from the transforming robots movie.” Which brings out my very real concern for an entire generation of kids that think this thing, Revenge of the Fallen, is what a movie is suppose to be. There is no doubt that there is amazing special effects here, used so much and so naturally that the word desensitization doesn’t even suffice. Confusing, meth-addict, explosion-porn like this will rob an entire generation of their patience to watch and enjoy all the beauty, wonder, craft, and greatness in the history of cinema. If they continue to suck at the tit of movies like Transformers 2 as they grow they will be unable to tolerate films like Apocalypse Now, 12 Angry Men, Blade Runner, A Fistful of Dollars, Papillon, Schindler’s List, or The Great Escape and so on and so forth. They won’t even be able to tolerate old action, exploitation, or escapist movies. All those films are nothing but boring, unwatchable, intellectual-tests to anyone raised thinking the definition of cinema is incomprehensible CGI filled nightmares that placate the masses and prove their worth with money instead of art.

There are personal friends of mine, 30 year-olds, that have admitted that they have even been corrupted by the special effects and lightning pacing of today’s cinema, to the point that “old stuff” just puts them to sleep. They are in their 30’s, imagine someone still impressionable growing up in this cinematic climate. We live in an age where an actor like Shia LaBeouf is the “IT-Boy.” Think of how much things have changed since, say, Dustin Hoffman was the “IT-Boy.” Hoffman was young and new in Hollywood, but he was making masterpieces, SUCCESSFUL classics, like Marathon Man, Straw Dogs, The Graduate, Papillon, Midnight Cowboy etc. Now I didn’t live through the 70’s, nor did I even exist in the 70’s, but I got to ask: What were they doing so right back then that we are doing so wrong right now?

(Written by me, out of context. In fact, no context exists)


“Bay’s newest opus is akin to a 2.5 hour long car crash. One that has a plot. I think.”

“Revenge of the Fallen plays like punch to the nose. It starts out of nowhere, confusion strikes, then the rest of your time is spent trying to stop the bleeding.”

“Like watching someone slowly separate your legs from your body using scrap metal.”

“I eagerly await the porn version, Transporners: Rear-end of the Ballin, which will sadly have more believable dialogue and a tighter plot.”

“…and to think that in 2009, so many years later, our modern day Ed Wood, Bay, is not only gratuitously funded, but heavily successful.”

“I’m getting old.”

“Not since Claude Rains in 1933, has someone, so convincingly played the invisible man in a leading role. Well done Mr. LaBeouf. Blandness achieved.”

“Excuse me Mr. Bay, what just happened? Was that a movie?”

“So fleeting and hollow that it should be called Revenge of the Forgotten.”

“Why waste your $8? Stay home and watch soft-corn porn and a demolition derby on cable.”

“The time it must have taken to animate each little movement of every little part of each complex robotic character for a film that fails on such a deep level as this one is enough to push any legitimate film fan to suicide.”

“The cinematic equivalent of white noise.”

“…a multi-million dollar travesty for the video game generation, and they will love it.”

“So big, so epic, so enormous, so empty, so obvious, Michael Bay is no idiot. Congratulations on this summer’s best practical joke.”

“I fell asleep. Twice.”


sábado, junio 27, 2009

Avi Arad planea llevar a Uncharted a la gran pantalla..

Por ahora contrataron a un tal Kyle Ward para escribir el guion. ¿QUIEN? ni idea, pero se que está trabajando en el guión para Hitman 2(PRRRR) y también aportó el de Kane & Lynch..

Uncharted es un juegazo, exclusivo para PS3, de los credores de Crash Bandicoot,Naughty Dog.Una cruza entre Tomb Raider e Indy Jones, que salió recontra copada. El juego es ¨una pelicula¨ de acción super pochoclera, con personajes buenissimos, principalmente Nate, su protagonista.

Sinceramente este anuncio me provoca sensaciones mas negativas que positivas.. los antecedentes son desastrozos. Juegos adorados llevados al cine terminaron siendo peliculas intragables..

El guionista no inspira mucho..
Uno de los elementos CLAVES, para que esto no vaya directo al olvido, es encontrar al perfecto Nathan Drake.

A cruzar los dedosss..

PD: Como dato consolador tenemos que este año sale la secuela del juego y va romper todo!!!

jueves, junio 25, 2009


Farrah Fawcett y Michael Jackson.

Este ultimo uno de mis tantos idolos de la infancia.
Por su musica y estilo, sus pasitos de baile, su peli Moonwalker y hasta el jueguito de la misma me tenian loco.
A pesar de la controversia constante y su transformación en una bizarra celebridad, lo recuerdo por sus mejores epocas.. que descanse en paz al fin.

Good Bye King of Pop.

The Box Full Trailer!!

Richard Kelly que nos trajo previamente Donnie Darko y Southland Tales adapta el cuento corto ¨Button, Button¨ del gran Richard Matheson, escritor de ¨I am Legend¨.

miércoles, junio 24, 2009

Los Oscars tendrán 10 nominaciones para mejor pelicula...

La entrega del año proximo no será la primera vez que ofrezcan mas de 5 nominaciones, pero no venia siendo norma. Una movida para interesar a más gente y buscar renovarse, continuando la onda de este ultimo año. Aunque no se si habla muy bien de ellos a un nivel mas critico. Esperen todo tipo de nominados en 2010..

24 minutos de AVATAR de James Cameron vieron la luz!!

24 minutos que comprandian mayormente parte del primer acto del film, fueron mostrados a gente de la industria en Amsterdam.

Aquí un salpicado de reacciónes para levantar el Hype:

“The Insider” files his report on ComingSoon: “jaw-dropping experience.” … “3-D until now has been used as a gimmick.” On the human characters inhabiting their Avatars: “It took my breath away. I thought–just like you guys–that I’ve seen it all with Gollum, or The Hulk, but Cameron has done it again. These creatures seem so real, that within minutes you forget you’re watching an enormous and very blue CGI character. Even the eyes are totally convincing. The characters have real personalities and a soul.” … “How the hell is it possible that I never once felt like I’ve been watching a movie where almost everything comes out of a computer?” … “The effects are in a league of their own. After some disappointing or even pointless 3-D movies, Avatar maybe the first movie where 3-D is properly utilized.”

“Anonymous” over on IESB: “It makes me want to create a time machine like Cartman from South Park, so that I don’t have to wait till the 18th of December to watch the finished movie. If it’s anything like the scenes I saw, it’s going to be one of the best movies of the decade.”(un tipo serio jajaja)

Unique Cinema Systems Nord on Twitter: “stunning, literally jawdropping. Amazing visuals unlike any before seen, with incredible detail.” … “CGI was photorealistic, characters look really real. Believe the hype, this movie will be massive!” … “Cameron told audience each frame of finished film takes 30-50 hrs to render, then double that up for 3D.”(un MONTON de tiempo y laburo!)

A scooper at MarketSaw: “The clips were amazing” … “You will NOT believe the detail.” … “The world outside is amazing. It all lives, breathes and works.” … “You will not believe the amount of leaves that look like someone created that jungle for real.” … “Little fireflies and birds fly through the shots without being there. You just take them as the world, like a dove in Central Park. It’s not placed there, it lives there and just happens to be in the shot.” … “There’s a shot of leaves somewhere which is so photorealistic you don’t want to think it’s CGI. You believe this world from the get-go. It’s there, you don’t need to believe it because you will experience it.”

GJKooijman on Twitter: “is mindblown” … “Still in awe of meeting James Cameron… Avatar will change movie industry forever.. thank you Jim” … “It’s nothing you can imagine, it’s real. Cameron made a new planet and took a cam there.” … “THIS WILL CHANGE MOVIES FOREVER. Trust me, it will.”

Sperling on Twitter: “It’s official! The footage from “Avatar” shown at Cine Expo was amazing. Absolutely stunning in 3D. Should be a huge hit.”


Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen o mejor dicho ¨the FALL of Blockbuster movies.¨

Acabo de ver esta ATROCIDAD de pelicula.
Nunca arranca, no va a ningun lado.
Dos horas y media de absolutamante NADA.
Michael Bay hace que las explosiones sean algo aburrido. Utiliza el cliché como su arma mas fuerte, dejando al desnudo su falta de calidad para narrar una historia coherente e interesante.
Con terribles faltas en edición, continuidad? QUE COSA?! nunca entendés que está pasado, en un momento están haciendo algo y abruptamente están en otro lado. En las escenas de ¨guerra¨ olvidate de darte cuenta quien le dispara a quien, que pasó con tal cosa o tal otra, por que dejan de atacar, por que atacan.. DESASSSSSTRE.
Una secuela totalmente inutil, el gastadero de plata en efectos es descomunal.. PARA ESTO!!! eso si, los mismos no tienen reproche.

Una de las peores peliculas que vi en mi vida, deseaba irme del cine, que terminara de una vez!. La primera parte, que con suerte llegaba al 6 en un dia de mucha bondad, merece un Oscar al lado de ¨Fallen¨.

Cargada de momentos TAN INCOMODOS como cuando Peter Parker se hace Emo y baila como la Mascara!!! donde uno se pregunta.. que estoy viendo?!!? esto es transformers?!?! WTF. Incluye robots que hablan como gangsta rappers?!? sigh.
Hay una escena que les va a hacer sentir que están viendo Gremlins!! y no lo digo como algo bueno, mas allá de que Gremlins sea una masa.
Un humor supremamente imbecil y hasta de mal gusto por momentos.
Los diseños de los robots son HORROROSOS, el unico que vale la pena es Bumblebee.

Megan Fox, lo unico que hace es estar mas buena que las milanesas con puré y a Bay no le importa nada y la muestra mucho de angulos ¨incomodos¨, algo que tampoco le viene mal a la vista(aunque sigue dandome esa ¨vibe¨ de putarraca, mas que de la noviecita divina de adolecente). Eso es lo mas destacado en el reparto de ¨actuación¨.. TETRICO.
No nos identificamos con nadie, Shia ya no sabe como vender esta mentira, y la ¨trama¨ lo pone como EL individuo mas importante del universo mas o menos, se justifica solo por que su nombre está en el poster, NO HAY historia que lo sostenga coherentemente.
Si tenes 5 años, es probable que la disfrutes.
En Rotten leí a un critico resaltandola como la nueva ¨BATMAN & ROBIN¨ pero que Joel se sentiria ofendido por la comparación!.

El veranito estadounidense viene MUY flojo, si no fuese por Star Trek, que es un pochoclo espectacular, no hay mucho para rescatar. Revenge of the Fallen es muchissimo, pero muchissimo peor que Terminator Salvation, lo cual indica que el ¨Summer¨está en caida libre(y viene G.I. Joe! que va dar mas leña!).

Voy a apuntar a otro tipo de pelicula: Telefono para Michael Mann, no me falles!
Podria escribir mas, pero es muy tarde, mañana edito.

EDIT: Queria agregar que la pelicula es racista, está cargada de imagenes obscenas y muchas malas palabras subidas de tono.
Tanto HASBRO como Spielberg, dejaron que pusieran sus nombres en esta basofia envuelta en un papel de regalo para los chicos?! BIZARRE.

martes, junio 23, 2009

Pac-man no te convenia tener Twitter!!!

: P

G. I. Joe Segundo Full Trailer

Pinta crapfest total esta pelicula.
Cuando hagan el reveal de la Mascara de Cobra(todavia, creo, no lo hicieron), no van a poder entender la mala elección de diseño! es HORRIBLE!! no, no es la mascara espejada!!! ni hablemos de esos trajes HALO/IRONMAN/WTF?!

También les dejo una escenita un poco mas completa. Nadie me va a decir ¨OOH QUIERO IR SPOILERS FREE¨ no creo ni que haya que preocuparse.

Garey Busey WTF?!!?!?

Promo del DLC de Saint´s Row 2....

cuanta frula se debe haber clavado este señor en su vida...

Teaser de Avatar!!! (la de Jimbo no!) The Last Airbender de M Night Shyamalan

Nunca vi nada del dibujo animado de Nickelodeon. A ver si alguno que si me da su opinion, parece bastante generica la cosa, aunque sobre el final levanta, claro, es solo un teaser.
Paramount cree tener la primer parte de una trilogia, la trend de hoy, es como sacarse la loteria pegar una trilogy.
La pelicula tiene fecha target de estreno, el 2 de Julio de 2010:

lunes, junio 22, 2009

Hablando de Megan Fox...

Como se viene Revenge of the Fallen, está en todos los medios.
Gracias a la magia de internet, me topé con esta imagen QUE GRITABA, su necesidad IMPERIOSA de que le agregue un FAIL.

He aquí la obra de arte: ROMANTIC PROPOSAL FAIL



Gracias a Disturbia y este comentario Shia me cae mejor!!!

y esta fotito? te define.. jahjahj

Anyways.. el pibe es un gamer, o al menos se vende así. Después de decir esto en una entrevista para el sitio Big Download le creo.

Estuvo metido en darles feedback a los developers, para mejorar lo que habia sido la primer entrega del juego que sale junto a la pelicula de robots gigantes. Además de hacer algunos pesos(cuack) poniendo la cara para el game y su voz.
Cuando le consultaron por si habia probado la versión para Wii, en una movida BARBARA de marketing(NOT), dijo que primero no podia probarla por el estado de su mano luego del accidente automovilistico, y también, basicamente descalificó a la consola ¨I would imagine that the Wii experience will be like...I don't mess with the Wii, to be honest with you. It's kind of an amateur console. I'm not into the Wii thing.¨


Indagando un poco más, le preguntaron que tiene de malo la Wii, a lo que respondió:
¨This is how in a simple way you can find out if it's a gamer you want to play with. Ask them if they have a Wii. If they say yes, get the f*** out of there.¨


Como los de Big Download se sentian estaban sacando una ¨papita fina¨, querian meterle mas dinamita.
¨Es por eso que no jugaste al LEGO Star Wars para Wii, con Megan Fox en el set?
Correct. Who wants to play the Wii version of LEGO Star Wars. I'd rather eat glass.¨

Además QUIEN seleccionaria como primer opción, jugar con Megan a las consolas, antes que consolarla en los brakes de filmación!?!?

por ahí este ¨señor¨:

si tenés dudas pegale una mirada ---->

(No serás MUY finoli Michael Bay con este planito?!?)


Otro quote que destacaria:

What's your favorite videogame memory from when you were younger?
I remember playing Mario Kart with my Dad for the first time and this is after years of my Dad just s****ing on videogames. Just like you're a loser. Finally, after playing Mario Kart, my Dad looks over at me and says, "I like playing as the mushroom." That's all he had to say. It's one of those memories you remember for the rest of your life like when your Dad uses a cell phone for the first time or text messages you for the first time. That type of stuff. Yeah, I like playing as the mushroom.

sábado, junio 20, 2009

viernes, junio 19, 2009


Hernos está re caliente con Downey Sherlock! jahjahjahj

Le compraron un poco de pelo para el poster.

domingo, junio 14, 2009

Hablando del niño N64 !!!

ni llegué a mirar más de 15 segundos que lo postié sin dudarlo, lo vemos juntos?

1 Up empieza la lluvia de Rumores: Natal saldria al mercado junto una nueva Xbox

Aquí les dejo el quote directo para los que saben inglés(toy con poco tiempo sorry!):

¨Earlier this week gaming blog Kotaku quoted Microsoft's Shane Kim as saying that the launch of Natal, Microsoft's new controller-free motion control technology, would be as big as the launch of a console. Not surprising. That's because Natal is going to be a new console.

On this week's Listen Up podcast we discussed Natal, and David Ellis and I talked about what we've been hearing regarding the new technology -- and how it's actually the cornerstone of Microsoft's next evolution of the Xbox. Microsoft will not only release Natal as an add-on for the Xbox 360, it will come standard with the next Xbox console.

Yes, there will be a new Xbox console next fall.

However, the new console won't just be an Xbox 360 with a camera, though -- we've heard it will be considered a new platform and carry a new name (Xbox Natal?). It's not clear what sort of upgrades we might see, but some have suggested it will be an slight upgrade of the current Xbox 360 technology. Current Xbox 360 games would be playable on it, but future games would be able to take advantage of the added muscle. Similar to what we see in the PC space, games played on the more advanced Xbox would look or perform better, but publishers will still be able to support owners of both systems. Some developers have complained that they've already maxed out the Xbox 360; perhaps this will give them room to expand.

Make no mistake, we wouldn't be talking about the sort of hardware leap we've seen with Xbox (or most other) platforms in the past, and we're not talking about Microsoft ending one console cycle and starting another. We're talking about an evolution of the Xbox 360; similar hardware but upgraded, repackaged, and rebranded. It's actually not that unlike what Nintendo did with the Wii, where it essentially took the GameCube hardware, stuck in motion controls, and successfully relaunched it. The new Xbox console is said to be aimed directly at a mainstream audience -- and will launch before Nintendo is able to release its Wii HD.

What's interesting is that Nintendo and Microsoft are on a course to deliver very similar products yet are coming at them from opposite directions. Microsoft currently has the HD hardware and will in the future introduce motion controls, while Nintendo has motion controls and will in the future introduce HD hardware. Sony's PS3 will also be providing motion controls next year, though as a peripheral for its EyeToy camera.

As John Davison pointed out on the podcast, the Wii was the first console to do this, but it's likely that all future hardware will be more iterative than substantive. The distinction between new consoles will become far less marked -- similar to what we've seen in the handheld space, such as with the transitions from the Game Boy to the Game Boy Advance, the DS to the DSi, or the PSP to the PSP Go.

So when would we first hear about this new Xbox console? Our sources point to next year's Game Developer's Conference as the target for its unveiling and Fall 2010 as the target for release. ¨

De ser verdad, no sé cual seria la reacción del mundo gamer.. principalmente los fanaticos de la X verde, no me suena a una movida tan piola..
Pero el mundo está en el medio de una gran crisis economica e imagino que lanzar un sistema muy superior, como se venia haciendo, dejó de ser viable.
Claramente la Wii impone este nuevo sistema de negocios.. y como gamer desde que tengo uso de razón, no me deja tan contento.

Al menos no tanto como este ¨famoso¨niño en este CLASICO video

viernes, junio 12, 2009

QUE ONDA!?!? este ¨Ryu¨ ta mas loco que la mierda!


martes, junio 09, 2009

Ahora dicen que Kingpin seria el enemigo de Spidey en la 4ta..

La verdad, menos excitado no podria estar...
Entre que la tercera fué patetica y que tiran este tipo de noticias...

Kingpin ya apareció como villano en la pelicula de Daredevil, aunque es un personaje que se originó en los comics del webhead.
Habria que ver, además, si Fox no mantiene los derechos filmicos del dolape.
El presidente de Sony Pictures remarcaba que seria un personaje muy de NY, que la gente lo va a apreciar, y que van a volver a filmar allí.. por eso los rumores. Entre mi pienso, Lizard también podria ser, ya que anda por los mismos ¨sewers¨ conocidos por albergar tortugas y ratas con conocimientos en artes orientales : P

GAME INFORMER nos presenta el nuevo look de MAX PAYNE

En la nueva entrega, que la revista indica luce tan bien como Uncharted 2!!! Max STORMS Sao Paulo!

Primer dia! vendo el alma!

Un look totalmente Die Hard ¨Bruce Williseano¨ mezclado con Obadiah Stane, tirará un elicoptero con un auto?

Después de una pequeña ausencia vuelvo para mostrarte a Mickey Rourke en Iron-man 2!!

WHIPLASH for you all

calculo que eso no es todo... es Rourke con unas chapas y el look de Jack Sparrow jeje, igual, AGUANTE Mickey!!

jueves, junio 04, 2009

Mirate a Miyamoto chusmeando la psp Go!

Shigeru Miyamoto es Dios, creador de Mario Bros y Zelda entre otras tantos titulos y es el unico motivo por el cual Nintendo se sostiene, sus juegos son los que venden consolas de la N.
Acá lo vemos pispieando un psp de Sony en la E3, seguro tuvo que hacer fila....


miércoles, junio 03, 2009

lunes, junio 01, 2009

Bryan Singer quiere volver a X-men!!!!

Cuando viste X-3 supiste que los mutantes no te atraian más.
Cuando viste X-men Oirgins: Wolverine te diste cuenta que la esperanza era nula.
Obviamente que la UNICA manera existente de recuperarse para esta franquicia de peliculas es besarle los pies a Singer para que regrese a dominarla.
Parece que le gustaria la idea, ya que en su momento le dolió en el alma cuando lo rajaron, tenia ideas grandes para la tercera, Apocalipsys inclusive..

En una entrevista reciente, comenta que, antes, durante y después de ver el bodoque de Brett Ratner, deseó que el destino fuese diferente...

Ahora la especulación es que FOX y los Donner quieren hacer la pelicula del origen de Magneto, como todo el mundo sabe, y lo quieren tentar, pero Bryan estaria un poco alejado de la idea, ya que siente que transitó ese camino en sus peliculas y preferiria algo nuevo en ese universo del cual se siente tan conectado, pasó 6 años de su vida trabajando con los mutantes, entendible.

No mientan mas!! los super heroes SON REALES!!!!

No jodan, seguro va a la academia de mutantes de Xavier!!(también se le volaron las chapas).

Simplemente no puedo creer cuan apto es el flaco para las destrezas fisicas y que desastrozo me voy a sentir de ahora en mas cada vez que no pueda agacharme a atarme los cordones.

Agradezco el linkardo a Peter que lo posteó en el foro 3dg!!